4 min read

Back in 2017 I attended The Best Of You Expo in London which was an awesome two day event focused on personal and professional development.
We had the chance to network with coaches and speakers, learned how to use essential oils in yoga and discovered new ways to create healthy relationships with food. It’s safe to say I was in my element surrounded by the best people, all beaming with energy and full of life!
Although one particular talk really stuck out for me and I continue to refer back to it from time to time to support my health journey.
I really want to share this with you as I feel it will really help anyone who is suffering with anxiety, depression or any other kinds of emotional instabilities right now.
This talk was presented by a lady called Samantha Hearne who founded her company A Happy Mind. This talk called ‘Managing anxiety in your everyday life’ made a huge impact on me as I listened to her words of wisdom. She really went into depth on how we CAN change our mindsets and the importance of self development so we can thrive in life.
Since I can remember I’ve always had feelings of anxiety. Anxiety about judgement, thoughts of the unknown future and constant listening to all the voices in my head. After a while I used to become so tired and stuck in a vicious cycle of 24/7 thinking, that eventually I would give up, leaving my head to feel totally blank.
This may sound great but really it just left me feeling numb. Then the inevitable vicious circle of thoughts starts again, round and round. Can anyone relate?
This Anxiety talk has really helped me through the years to break that cycle.
I truly hope this helps you too!
She first got us to think about what TRIGGERS our anxiety.
- Are you the emotional kind of person who wears their heart on their sleeve?
- Are you someone who never stops so physically exhausts themselves?
- or it is circumstantial like around times during work deadlines or corporate meetings?
This helps us to find out who we truly are and to turn the situation around so we use it as our strength. We all go through our own lessons which shape our own unique lives, so surely we can embrace this!?
I’ve always found when acknowledging and gaining a better understandings on my personal challenges, it’s been easier to look at them from a different perspective and can welcome them with open arms.
After she asked us to see the PATTERNS of our anxieties.
- Are they sporadic?
- Repetitive?
- or following some kind of trend?
For me repetition has been one of the biggest challenges. The same thoughts over and over again. However after noticing this I’ve became so much more aware of what’s happening in the moment, and feel I can now approach situations differently.
Don’t get me wrong worrying to a certain degree is great as it shows you care, that you have this ruthlessness to achieve your goals and you strive to make a difference! However anxiety is an emotion not a lifestyle.
I continue to encourage myself to implement little positive changes as often as I can so they become habits, to ultimately become friends and live along side anxiety when needed.
So here’s my 5 ways to handle anxiety, which I think will really support you too…
- Hand drawn Chart Table
About an hour before bed I have a quick check in with myself. Within my chart table, I write down…
– the number of stresses I have that day
– the number of how stresses I coped with to the best of my ability
– what I believe helped with my anxiety including healthy food, water, laughter, exercise and self-care.
This is a great way to notice patterns and see regular triggers to make consistent progress. - Pep talks to escape the unknown
The unknown is such a scary place sometimes! I know there are times when I’m trying to control things that are totally out of my control or predicting the worst possible outcome.
This is where little pep talks come in! Bringing yourself into the moment so you gain a realistic view of the situation.Here’s some ideas…
https://www.redonline.co.uk/health-self/self/a524978/anxiety-self-talk-expert/ - Learning to become more present
When I start to feel even the slightest tickle of nervousness I try to become aware of what’s around me.
Try concentrating on what’s happening around you and firing up the five senses. Focus on the facts. Feel the weather, notice how your feet feel on the ground, take notice of the number of people around you.FOCUS ON THE FACTS
- Changing your perception on situations
During times of feeling like there’s no way back I try to reassure myself that this feeling cannot last forever. It literally can’t! You WILL come out the other side. - Writing a gratitude list
Every morning I write down 5 things I’m grateful for so I can focus on what I do have rather than what I don’t. I’ve also begun to be more thankful out loud, which picks up my mood instantly!
Lastly I want to share a little activity she did with us, that will instantly make you feel happy, put a big smile on your face and will even change your bodies chemical structure to a positive one! There may even be a few tears..embrace it!
- Right now think of someone in your life that you are really thankful for?
- Thought of someone? Ok..
- Next, think of a time that person did something for you that changed your life for the better?
- Got it?
- Now pick up your phone and message them thanking them for what they did for you and for being part of your life…
I promise you this little message will not only instantly boost you with happy hormones, but you know the person on the other side will have a huge smile on their face too.
When we become more specific and increasingly outspoken about what we are grateful for, the stronger the emotions we can create.
I hope this has given you great insight into your emotional wellbeing and feel there are some actionable steps you could take moving forward, to move into the happy life you dream of.
What can you start doing right away?
Onwards and Upwards,
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